As the last hour of 2012 winds down, I can not help thinking and reflecting on the things that have enriched my life these sixty-six years. I am, of course blessed to still have my mother in my life. Although she is now frail, she continues to light the path for those around her. My brother is a super-talented person with abilities both academic and artistic. He teaches, composes, arranges, authors, preaches, performs at a very high level and constantly does for others often at his own expense.

I am, of course blessed with a lovely wife who truly cares about my welfare and encourages me to do the things I normally might avoid when feeling not quite up to snuff. She has been and continues to be a helpmate and encouragement as difficulties arise, and she has sown me the love an support that every man needs.

I have memories of literally thousands of moments performing, teaching, discussing, cajoling, encouraging, loving and enjoying the students, faculty, staff, administration, family and friends who have made this life enriching and enjoyable.
Although there are, of late, some physical constraints that have raised their ugly heads, I can once again enjoy performing on some of the instruments and in some of the important genres of my past. My association with the great men and women who frequent my San Dimas Jazz Workshop Big Band have given me an opportunity to direct that I had thought I lost at my retirement. They are wonderful players and exceptional individuals and I am blessed to have them in my life. The Brass Ensembles that I rehearse with and occasionally perform with have once again allowed me to recapture the very enjoyable activity of brass performance that I thought I had lost when an unfortunate accident led to the loss of all my teeth. When there’s a will…

I do wish that the RA would allow me to perform on my bass, but I’m afraid that that activity may have been lost. However, I have been fortunate to play jazz casuals with some very fine players including my talented brother using my workstation and have played bass lines, vibraphone, guitar, strings, woods and brass during these sessions. Technology has been a saving grace in allowing me to rekindle the flame of performance that I enjoyed so very much in younger days.

I have said all of that to say this: I feel blessed to have been able to do these things and continue to look forward to even more special moments in the future. My communication with so many Facebook and email friends and acquaintances  have been a Godsend allowing me to reconnect with former students, friends from my past, family from afar, professional artists, composers, arrangers, hobbyists, and a huge number of fantastic people at home and abroad. These encounters have greatly enriched my life and have given me the encouragement I need to continue doing the activities that I love so much.

My activities with the Senior Center and the Chamber of Commerce have also contributed to a feeling of self worth and purpose, and the City of San Dimas has treated me with the love and respect that indeed warms the heart. It is now twenty Six minutes until 2013, and I’m feeling very satisfied that I have done and will continue to do the kinds of activities that will enable me to interact with so many wonderful men and women who have enriched this life. I am, as I said, blessed to have you all as friends, and I do wish each and everyone of you a most wonderful, happy and prosperous 2013.

Bless you all!
-Ed Wolfe